IAPPD Activities
Release of the First Round of Research Findings | Analysis of Parliament Questions on Population & Health
Release of the First Round of Research Findings
International/National Conferences and Seminars
Since its establishment, the IAPPD is organizing national as well as international conferences and seminars in the field of population and development. Efforts are made to increase the level of understanding and awareness of population issues on the part of elected representatives secure their cooperation and support.
Reseach Studies
The IAPPD undertakes research studies in the area of advocacy, population and development, HIV / AIDS, etc. in the country. The government uses the study results and policy recommendations as basic materials for formulating its programmes and policy in the field of population and development. Acknowledging the endless efforts of the IAPPD in the field of population and development, the United Nations' Population Fund (UNFPA) has assigned the IAPPD to carry out a project, tided 'Involvement of Elected Representatives for Advocacy on Population, Reproductive Health, HIV / AIDS, Reproductive Rights and Empowerment of Women'. The project was entrusted to the IAPPD by the UNFPA through the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India .
Workshops for MPs and Legislators
In order to sensitize the parliamentarians and legislators regarding new issues and perspectives on population policy and population stabilisation programme several workshop were organised by IAPPD. These workshops enabled the elected representatives to understand the paradigm shift in policies and programmes on population stabilization, reproductive rights, empowerment of women and HIV / AIDS. Issues such as advocacy for male participation, gender equity and equality and promotion of adolescents were also discussed in these workshops. Apart from elected representatives at Centre, State and district level, workshops were also organized up to the block level representatives and opinion leaders.
Training of Trainers
Endowed with a very rich panel of subject experts on population, environment and socio- economic development, IAPPD provided training to trainers on different themes, subjects and issues specially during the project on 'Involvement of Elected Representatives for Advocacy on Population, Reproductive Health, HIV / AIDS, Reproductive Rights and Empowerment of Women'. The trainees included government programme administrators, NGOs, academicians, social activities, opinion leaders and influential social and religious leaders.
International Activities 2015
➤ Tenth SRCMF Regional Meeting
New Delhi India
17&18 October, 2024
Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (IAPPD) and the South East Asia Regional Coordination Mechanism Forum (SRCMF) jointly organized the Regional Meeting in October. MPs from nine countries participated along with other partners from the Asia-Pacific, Africa and WHO.
Shri Bhubaneswar Kalita, MP India and Vice Chair of IAPPD, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. In his opening remarks he highlighted the importance of political engagement to combat health-related issues, including malaria. He emphasized that Parliamentarians can use their influence and platforms to support acceleration to handle these issues at their constituency level.
➤ AFPPD ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Addressing Three Pillarsand Beyond within TheContext of ICPD30 and The 97th Executive Committee Meeting of Asian Forum
of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) Bali, Indonesia 7 & 9 October, 2024
The AFPPD Annual Conference took place from October 7&9, 2024, in Bali, Indonesia, with the aim of addressing emerging population and development challenges in the Asia-Pacific region, sharing lessons and best practices among countries, and strengthening the knowledge and commitment of Parliamentarians and other stakeholderstowards implementing population-related initiatives under ICPD30.
Mr. M.K. Raghavan, MP, India and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary of IAPPD, attended the Conference. During the session on Investing in Youth and the Demographic Dividend in Asia-Pacific for the implementation of the ICPD PoA, Mr. Raghavan delivered a presentation titled Investing in Youth and the Demographic Dividend The Case of India, which was warmly received by the participants.
➤ Parliamentarians Regional Meeting on " Ageing Preparedness and Care Economy in Asia "
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18 July, 2024
AFPPD, Malaysia, together with the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) organized the " Regional Parliamentarians Meeting on Ageing Preparedness and Care Economy in Asia" . The meeting was supported by UNFPA APRO.Deliberations and strategy were made on critical issues pertaining to population dynamics, sustainable development, and community empowerment in an ageing world.
Mr. Avinash Rai Khanna, Ex. MP; Vice-Chair, IAPPD, and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD, attended this Meeting.
Mr. Avinash Rai Khanna made a presentation on care of elderly population during the session on Ageing Preparedness.
➤ Technical Committee Meeting for Preparation of Regional Parliamentarians Kathmandu (Nepal)
26 - 27 October, 2023
IAPPD in collaboration with South East Asia Regional Coordination Mechanism Forum (SRCMF) and the Ministry of Health and Population, Nepal, organized the above Technical Committee Meeting.
This meeting aimed for planning and preparation of Regional Parliamentarians Meeting to be held in the first quarter of 2024.
The Indian Parliamentarians/Legislators attended this meeting include Dr. Rajdeep Roy, MP; Dr. Shantanu Sen, MP; Mr. Ghulam Rabbani, Cabinet Minister, Government of West Bengal; Mr. Jakir Hussain Sikdar, MLA, Assam; Dr. Celestine Lyngdoh, MLA, Meghalaya; Mr. Gabriel Wahlang, MLA, Meghalaya; Mr. Pradyut Bordoloi, MLA, Assam; Mr. Kamalakhya Dey Purkayastha, MLA, Assam; and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD.
➤ Workshop on Strategic Policy Dialogues and Advocacy for Financing of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
Bangkok (Thailand)
2 - 3 October, 2023
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in collaboration with Asian Population and Development Association (APDA), Tokyo (Japan) organized 2-day workshop on Strategic Policy Dialogues and Advocacy for Financing of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).
Participants with advocacy skills to effectively advocate for increased, transport, efficient and equitable resource allocation for SRHR programmes attended. The workshop aimed to provide participants with knowledge and skills to develop analytics and advocacy materials, resulting in a concrete plan to improve SRH financing in their respective country.
Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD, attended this workshop.
➤ Handing over the Declaration of Mr. Amitabh Kant, SHERPA, G-20 India, by Shri Deepender Hooda, MP, Vice Chairman of AFPPD and IAPPD
The Declaration adopted at the 'Global Conference of Parliamentarians on Population and Development Toward the 2023 G7 Hiroshima Summit (GCPPD)', held in Tokyo, Japan,(organized by AFPPD [Tokyo]), during April 25-26, 2023, was handed over to Mr. Amitabh Kant, SHERPA, G-20 India, by Shri Deepender Hooda, MP, Vice Chairman of AFPPD and IAPPD, on 29th August, 2023, in New Delhi. Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD, was also present on this occasion. GCPPD was organized by AFPPD, Tokyo.
➤ Visit of AFPPD Chairman and Members to IAPPD Office on 23.08.2023 -
Interaction with TAC Members
Prof. KeizoTakemi, Senior MP (Japan) and Chair, AFPPD (Japan), who visited IAPPD Office, New Delhi on 23 August, 2023, was welcomed by Prof. P.J. Kurien, Chairman, and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD, with flowers. He was accompanied by Dr. Farrukh Usmonov, Interim Executive Director, AFPPD; and Ms. Dil Kumari Rawal Thapa 'Parbati', MP (Bangladesh), and Mr. Ram Guragain, National Committee Member. Prof. P.J. Kurien, Chair, IAPPD, presided over the meeting. Prof. Takemi had interesting and meaningful interaction with all the members of Technical Advisory Committee on issues related to ongoing as well as future activities of IAPPD.
➤ 95th AFPPD Executive Committee Meeting
New Delhi, India, 22 August 2023 (Afternoon)
The 95th AFPPD Executive Committee Meeting was held in New Delhi on 22 August, 2023 under the Chairmanship of Prof. Keizo Takemi, Senior MP and chair or AFPPD. The meeting was on hybrid mode and attended/represented by members of Committee and other secretariat officers of the National Committees. The meeting was hosted by IAPPD.
➤ ICPD30: Policymaking Initiatives to Address National and Regional PopulationTrends
New Delhi, India, 22 August 2023
With the objective to enhance collaborative approaches for effective policy responses to national and regional population trends within the ICPD framework, a workshop of Parliamentarians on 'ICPD30: Policymaking Initiatives to Address the National and Regional Population Trends' was organized by the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD), Tokyo (Japan) and hosted by Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (IAPPD), on 22 August, 2023, in New Delhi. The workshop was chaired by Prof. P.J. Kurien, Chairman, IAPPD; and presided over by Prof. Keizo Takemi, Senior MP (Japan), Chair of AFPPD. Shri Deepender Hooda, MP (India), Vice Chair of AFPPD and IAPPD, was also present on this occasion.
Technical presentation on 'Addressing Adolescent and Youth issues towards ICPD30' (an AFPPD support project) by Dr. Suneeta Mukherjee, Ms. Geeta Narayan and Shri Parvin Kumar Jha, IAPPD Technical Advisory Committee Members, was made. Also, presentations on 'Parliamentarians' Role to Implement ICPD PoA and 2030 Agenda' by Ms. Josephine Veronique Lacson-Noel, MP Philippines; and Dr. Jetn Sirathranont, MP Thailand, Secretary General of AFPPD, were made.
The workshop was on hybrid mode and attended by 27 Members of Parliament from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. Ms. Andrea W. Wonjar, Resident Representative for UNFPA India and the Country Director for Bhutan, Dr. Farrukh Usmonov, Interim Executive Director, AFPPD, and Secretariat Officers of the National Committees also attended this workshop.
➤ ICPD30: Regional Parliamentarian Workshop on Emerging Population Trends in the Asia-Pacific Region
Bangkok (Thailand)
10 July, 2023
The Workshop meeting was organized by the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) Tokyo, Japan in the context of the ICPD30 review process and in advance of the preparations for the Summit of the future, which will likely initiate the discussions on the post-2030 development agenda.
Ms. Amee Yajnik, MP, and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD, attended this meeting.
➤ Global Conference of Parliamentarians on Population and Development Toward the 2023 G7 Hiroshima Summit (GCPPD2023) and 94th Executive Committee Meeting of AFPPD
Tokyo (Japan)
24 to 26 April, 2023
The meeting was organized by the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) and the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA), the Secretariat of Japan Parliamentarians Federation for Population (JPFP).
This Conference took place before the G7 Hiroshima Summit, the first G7 Summit after the world population marked 8 billion last November. The Conference intended to reviewed commitments and political actions by the parliamentarians and policymakers, including addressing the global health system, gender and youth issues which have been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Moreover, it discussed the measures to respond to such crises and diseases, accelerating the efforts to achieve sustainable development in the post-COVID era.
Shri Deepender Hooda, MP, Vice-Chairman, IAPPD and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD attended this meeting.
➤ Arab and Asian Parliamentarians' Meeting to Follow-up on ICPD25 Commitments: Addressing Youth Empowerment and Gender Based Violence
Jakarta (Indonesia)
1 - 2, March, 2023
The meeting was organized by the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA). It aimed to serve as a valuable platform to advocate relevant ICPD issues, addressing youth empowerment and gender-based violence (GBV), promote exchanging experiences and best practices, encourage active national engagement and influence politically at the regional and global levels.
Shri Nadimul Haque, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ Women at the Centre : Prioritizing Women's Rights and Empowerment in
COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Recovery
Manila (Philippines)
22 - 24, October, 2022
The meeting organized by the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) and the Philippine Legislators' Committee on Population and Development (PLCPD), supported by the United Nations Fund (UNFPA) through the Japan Trust Fund (JTF).
It brought together more than 70 participants, governments, international organizations, youth organizations and academia, involving 18 countries, to share and discuss good practices in policies, legislation and programmes aimed at gender equality and women empowerment.
The meeting paid special attention to those gender issues, including how to eliminate discrimination and prevent violence against women and girls, empower women and engage them in decision-making policies, fulfil sexual and reproductive health, in the spirit of leaving no one behind.
Dr. Amee Yajnik, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD attended this meeting.
➤ African and Asian Parliamentarians'Meeting to Follow-up on ICPD25
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
21 - 22, June, 2022
The meeting was organized by the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) and hosted by the House of Peoples' Representatives of Ethiopia, with the support of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), East and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) and Japan Trust Fund (JTF)and with the cooperation of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).
A cumulative total of more than 110 persons participated, in-person or online, from 43 countries. The project aims to further elaborate on the topics previously discussed, in particular measures to advance the implementation of the SDGs and ICPD25 commitments, heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. ShriManmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD attended the meeting.
➤ Intergenerational Dialogue of the Asian Parliamentarians and Youth Advocates to Address Meaningful Youth Engagement
Bangkok, Thailand
2 - 3, June, 2022
The meeting was organized by the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) and Y-PEER Asia Pacific Centre, together with UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office. This dialogue is in continuation of last year's programme and its objective is to follow-up and share good practices of meaningful youth engagement and youth policies/laws, especially in the covid-19 context. Furthermore, this event aims to strengthen partnership between Parliamentarians/NCs, CSOs, and youth advocates in respective countries and explore modalities for meaningful youth participation and engagement. Shri Nadimul Haque, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD attended this meeting.
➤ Inter-Regional Parliamentarians Meeting and Study Visit to Implement ICPD PoA
Cairo, Egypt
2 - 3, March, 2022
The meeting was organized by the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) and FAPPD, supported by UNFPA, ASRO and JTF. The objective of this meeting was to engage the parliamentarians from the Middle East, Africa and Asian regions, as well as other stakeholders in debate and dialogue on issues impacting human rights and gender-based violence (GBV), and to champion rights-based approach to policies and legislation.
This meeting will help to enhance active inter-regional and regional networks of Parliamentarian champions, ensuring south-south cooperation. Shri BhubaneswarKalita, MP and ShriManmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD attended this meeting.
➤ African and Asian Parliamentarians' Meeting to Follow-Up on ICPD25 Commitments Kampala 17-19 August, 2021
The Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) in partnership with UNFPA ESARO organized the meeting and hosted by Ugandan Parliamentarians Forum of Food Security, Population and Development. The three-day meeting was a follow up on the ICPD25 commitments.
Hon. Yasuo Fukuda, Former Prime Minister of Japan, Chair of APDA in his address said that we have only nine years until 2030 to achieve the sustainable development goals. We cannot afford to ignore the issues of climate change in this context.
Mr. Bhubaneshwar Kalita, MP and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD, attended the meeting.
Mr. Bhubaneshwar Kalita made a presentation on Impact of Parliamentarians Ensuring Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance (TAGG). In his presentation, Mr. Kalita said that India made significant progress in bringing healthier lives to its citizens in the last 25 years. He highlighted the impact of India's Initiatives towards Good Governance.
➤ Online Seminar onStrategic Communication Learning Session for Parliamentarians 26 July, 2021
Keeping in view that AFPPD members are expected in promoting their legislative work to be well equipped with the latest and most effective and strategic communication skills for expressing their views and opinions to the constituency as well as any audiences in and out of the nation, an online Seminar on Strategic Communication Learning Session for Parliamentarians was organized by Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD).
The objectives of the seminar were:
� Gain understanding and knowledge of strategic communications;
� Learn key communication techniques for immediate use;
� Obtain insights on successful case studies and bestpractices; and
� Learn about the most recent communication trends.
In his welcome remarks, Prof. KeizoTakemi, Chair of AFPPD, said that communication is an essential enabler for all the members of Forum. The members are working to promoting their legislative work in support of the 2030 SDG. Hence, they must be well equipped with the latest and most effective skills for expressing their views and opinions to their constituency.
Mr. Bjorn Andersson, Director of UNPA, APRO, also addressed the participants.
Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD, attended this Seminar.
➤ Webinar on Intergenerational Dialogue of the Asian Parliamentarians and Youth Advocates on Impact of COID-19 on Youth and Meaningful Youth Engagement 8 July, 2021
Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) and supported by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Y-PEER Asia-Pacific Center organized a Webinar on Intergenerational Dialogue of the Asian Parliamentarians and Youth Advocates on Impact of COID-19 on Youth and Meaningful Youth Engagement.
The main objectives of this dialogue were to:
1. Share a common understanding of meaningful youthengagement;
2. Share good examples of meaningful youth engagement;
3. To identify gaps in youth engagement and discuss ideas to address these gaps; and
4. To connect parliamentarians, youth advocates and CSO representatives in respective countries for further discussion and collaboration
Hon'ble Hitoshi Kikawada, Secretary-General of Japan Parliamentarians Federation for Population (JPFP), welcomed the delegates at the "innovative" dialogue, which would serve as a platform for "listening to the voices of young people, incorporating the needs of younger peopleand building a better future."
More than 100 Parliamentarians and youth representatives from 23 participated in the Dialogue. From India, Shri Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD participated.
Mr. Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu, MP, welcomed the dialogue and said the discussion had given him hope because, as lawmakers, they had learnt from the youths' observations and aspirations. The COVID-19 pandemic taught him not only to distance but also to assimilate through advanced technological facilities. This period enabled the exploration of new avenues for dialogue. He committed Parliamentarians to improve the political empowerment of the youth as outlined in the recommendations.
➤ G20 High Level Parliamentary Consultation puts women and girls at the centre of future recovery plans 25 June, 2021
The Covid 19 pandemic has thrust global health onto the forefront of all global international processes, including the Italian Presidency of the G20 which started in December 2020 and will culminate in a G20 Summit on 30-31 October 2021.
In this context of a global health emergency, the EU has called upon the Italian Government to convene a Global Health Summit in Rome on 21 May 2021 to focus on enhancing access to Covid 19 vaccines. The Italian G20 Presidency has focused on three interconnected pillars: People, Planet and Prosperity. Specifically, Italy is leading in generating a rapid and coordinated international response to the pandemic to provide equal and worldwide access to prevention, diagnosis, treatment and vaccines while strengthening resilience for future health related emergencies. Italy is looking beyond the immediate crisis towards a recovery that responds to peoples' needs. This requires focusing on reducing inequalities, empowering women, young people and protecting the most vulnerable.
To meet this objective, the Italian APPG in collaboration with EPF and the GPA, under the auspices of the Senate of the Republic, of the Chamber of Deputies and the Italian G20 Presidency, convened a High Level Parliamentary Consultation in June 2021 to bring together parliamentarians from across the world, including the G20 countries, to jointly develop recommendations on how women and girls can be at the centre of future recovery plans. 22 parliamentarians from 18 countries attended the webinars.
➤ AFPPD General Assembly and Collaboration with National Committees on Population and Development 24 May, 2021
After the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) temporarily transferred its secretarial functions to the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA), which also serves as a secretariat of JPFP, AFPPD has carried out a wide variety of projects under AFPPD Chair Hon. Prof. KeizoTakemi (Executive Director of JPFP), with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), it hosted its General Assembly online for the first time since October 2017. Some 50 persons participated in the General Assembly, including parliamentarians and members of national committees on population and development (NCs) from 21 member Asia-Pacific countries.
Hon. Prof. Takemi first delivered an opening address, in which he reported that the meeting of the General Assembly comes in the wake of the AFPPD's achievements in convening the meetings of the Executive Committee last November and April and organizing thematic meetings on ageing and gender.
Mr. Bj�rn Andersson, Regional Director of the UNFPA Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO), then congratulated the relaunch of AFPPD's activities. He said that parliamentarians are vitally important as pillars of activities for the Asia-Pacific region to fulfill the ICPD25 commitments, emphasizing that legislation and policies by parliamentarians must be evidence-based and expressing much hope for future collaboration.
Reports were made of the transfer of the secretariat from Bangkok to Tokyo, results of discussions by the Executive Committee, and other development.
AFPPD Meeting on COVID-19 and Vaccines Following on the AFPPD General Assembly, an online meeting on the topic of "COVID-19 and Vaccines" was organized on May 24 with parliamentarians from AFPPD member states of Japan, India, Thailand, and the Philippines. Representing Japan, Hon. Prof. KeizoTakemi (AFPPD Chair), who serves as the deputy director of the Novel Coronavirus Response Headquarters for Japan's ruling party, reported, "Even under disconcerting circumstances, Japan cannot impose a lockdown. But acceleration of the vaccination programme can work towards a solution. At the same time, international cooperation through COVAX is important, and we recently made a policy recommendation for promoting domestically-produced vaccines".
Mr. Deepender Hooda, MP and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD participated in the meeting.
During discussion, Mr. Deepender Hooda, MP, representing India, which had been devastated by the pandemic, reported on India's bitter experience in vaccine exports; a Parliamentarian from Thailand, also a physician, reported that they had entered into a clinical trial for joint development of COVID-19 vaccine with companies and institutions; and a parliamentarian from the Philippines, also a physician, emphasized, "parliamentarians, as legislators, must promote vaccination by establishing a platform for cooperation in both fields of science and law".
➤ Inter-Regional Meeting for the Arab and Asian Parliamentarians to Follow up ICPD25 Commitments Beirut, Lebanon 23-24 March, 2021
The hybrid Conference was held simultaneously in Beirut, Lebanon, and via video conferencing to delegates in the Asia and the Arab region. The Conference was organized by the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) and the Forum of Arab Parliamentarians on Population and Development (FAPPD), hosted by the Parliament of Lebanon, supported by the Japan Trust Fund (JTF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), in cooperation with the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). More than 90 persons participated from more than 15 countries, including parliamentarians from Arab and Asian countries and representatives from secretariats of national committees on population and development, United Nations organizations, and civil society organizations.
Sessions on (i) The Importance of Implementation of ICPD25 Commitment and Impact of COVID-19; (ii) Addressing Reproductive Health and Rights and Gender-Based Violence in the Arab Region; and (iii) Youth and Women Engagement in Addressing ICPD25 Commitments were held during the meeting.
Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD participated in the Seminar.
Hon. Viplove Thakur, Former MP India, Vice-Chair of IAPPD, in her presentationgave details on India's various developments, including the improvement in life expectancy, decreased fertility rate, halving of child marriages, reduced teenage pregnancies and reduced GBV. However, the country still had huge challenges, including an estimated 4 million women who want to avoid pregnancy but whose needs are not met. Four women die giving birth every hour, one in three women face some sort of violence, one in three of the world's child brides come from India, and the country has huge social and economic disparities across the states. It was suggested that parliamentarians had the following roles to play: - Assure commitments are backed by needed financial investments/budgets both at the national and state levels; - Confirm HR availability in health institutions and community is assured of continuous services; - Ensure mechanisms such as village health committees and other initiatives have a strong community and local leadership support; 9 - Advocate for delaying marriage and educate on ill-effects of early childbearing; - Promote the safety of girls and women and ensure all girls complete at least class 12; - Support programmes for young people, such as adolescent health programmes, skills development and preparation for migration.
Online Seminar on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Gender 5 April, 2021
The seminarwas organised by the Asian Forum for Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) and the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA). It focused on the impact of COVID-19 on gender in the Asia Pacific and Central Asian regions.
Professor KeizoTakemi, MP, Japan, and Chair of AFPPD reminded delegates that it was critical to address gender issues. Research showed women were at higher risk from the pandemic's COVID-19 impacts, which included reduced access to reproductive health care.
Bj�rn Andersson, Regional Director, UNFPA APRO, reminded parliamentarians they played a critical role in shaping a "more equal future". He joined other delegates, including Maher Afroze, who said she was COVID-positive, to applaud and celebrate women leaders in the front lines of the COVID-19 in pandemic response.
Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD participated in the Seminar.
➤ The Webinar on Leadership of African and Asian Parliamentarians in the Implementation of ICPD25 Commitments during the Pandemic Part I and Part II 9 March, 2021
The webinarorganizedby the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) and supported by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Japan Trust Fund (JTF).
The webinar emphasised gender-based violence (GBV) during COVID-19 lockdowns. It was attended by more than 50 participants, among them parliamentarians and the National Committee officers, the representatives of the civil societies and international organizations from Botswana, Cameroon, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Japan, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Chad, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Dr. Osamu Kusumoto, Executive Director/Secretary General of APDA expressed gratitude for each of the delegates' participation. Under the spotlight were GBV and youth empowerment during the COVID-19 pandemic. He said violence was not justified under any circumstances � and this was what the ICPD and the ICPPD and what the 2019 Nairobi Commitment reaffirmed. It was needed to identify ways to stop GBV and remember that the youth investment was an investment in the future.
Mr. Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu, MP and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended the webinar.
➤ Online Seminar on Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Ageing 17 December, 2020
The meeting was organized by the Asian Forum for Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) and the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) supported by the Japan Trust Fund (JTF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and in cooperation with the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).
Prof. (Ms.) Kiyoko Ikegami, AFPPD Interim Executive Director and the Seminar's overall facilitator, mentioned the significance of the Seminar as being the first activity after AFPPD's revitalization. She said that it is also very timely and relevant to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on ageing.
Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD participated in the Seminar.
Mrs. Viplove Thakur chaired the Session on 'Research Report: Legislative and Policy Reviews on Ageing Four Cases: Australia, Thailand, Kazakhstan and Vietnam". She opened the session by greeting everyone in her native tongue, Namaste, and acknowledging the guests. She said that the topic of the meeting is very timely as it is becoming a problem for all the countries.
➤ Online Workshop on the Policy Changes during COVID-19 andICPD25 Follow-up in the Asia and Pacific Region � Part II 29 October, 2020
The meeting was organized by the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) supported by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and in cooperation with the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).
The objective of this dialogue is to discuss the impact of Covid-19 to specific areas of population and Sustainable Development, such as Gender-BasedViolence (GBV) and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)through various approaches, including Human Rights Based Approach (NRBA) in the region. The programme also aimed to strengthen the capacity of the National Committees on ICPD25 commitments and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Dr. Osamu Kusumoto, Executive Director/Secretary General of APDA introduced the theme of the meeting. He expressed confidence that each country could learn from each other, particularly on the subject of countermeasures against COVID-19.
In her opening Address, H.E. Yoko Kamikawa, Minister of Justice, Chair of JPFP, read by APDA, said the meeting aimed to discuss policy changes during COVID-19 and following he ICPD25 Summit held in Nairobi in 2019. She expressed concern on the scio-economic impact of COVID-19, particularly on employment, unpaid care work, health, reproductive health (RH) services and the impact of domestic violence during lockdowns.
During the discussion session, Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP, (India) said that women were suffering disproportionately during the pandemic. She also observed that men and women suffered mental health issues, and the suicide rate increased because of COVID-19.
Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD participated in the meeting.
➤ Online Regional Parliamentarians Meeting on ICPD25follow-up andCOVID-19 Impact 17 September, 2020
The meeting was organized by the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) supported by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and in cooperation with the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).
The objective of this meeting was socio-economic impacts of Covid-19 in Asia and the Pacific: Implications on the implementation of ICPD Programme of Action and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;the ICPD25 follow up and Gender Base Violence and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights challenges in Asia;role of civil societies in response to SRHS and GBV during Pandemic.
More than 40 persons, including Parliamentarians as well as representatives from National Committees on Population and Development (NCs) and the civil society, participated from more than 15 countries mainly in the Asia region. Mr. Davide De Beni, Health Economist at UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office (APRO), made a presentation on the socio-economic effect of COVID-19, Ms. Rose Hadley gave a presentation on case studies in Sri Lanka and Laos, and Ms. MeirindaSebayang, representing Jaringan Indonesia Positif, which is a member organization of the cooperating organization APCASO,delivered a speech on the role of the civil society.
Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP and Mr. Manmohan Sharma,Secretary, IAPPD participated in the meeting.
➤ The Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 on 12 - 14 November, 2019,
Nairobi, Kenya
The Summit was organized by The Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) and the Japan Trust Fund (JTF).
The objective of this Conference was to fulfill the unfinished business of the ICPD Programme of Action and enable the guarantee and respect for human rights every where around the World, Strengthening Civil Society organizations and movement, who have defended it and worked for its implementation is necessary and crucial.
From India Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD attended the meeting.
➤ The 31st Asian Parliamentarians' Meeting on Population and
Development ICPD25: "Moving Forward the Unfinished Business
of the ICPD" on 23 - 24 October, 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
With support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Japan Trust Fund (JTF) this meeting was organized by Asian Population and Development (APDA).
The objective of this meeting was to provide a platform for deepening Regional Parliamentarians' understanding of the UNFPA's work and its Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 and equipping parliamentarians' with knowledge and skills to take concrete measures to advance the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action and SDGs.
From India Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD attended the meeting.
➤ Arab and Asian Parliamentarians' Meeting on Population and
Development for ICPD + 25 "Moving Forward the Unfinished Business of the ICPD" on 18 - 20 September, 2019, Casablanca, Morocco
With support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Japan Trust Fund (JTF) this meeting was organized by Asian Population and Development Association (APDA).
The objective of this meeting was to provide a platform for deepening Regional Parliamentarians' understanding of the UNFPA's work and its Nairobi Summit on ICPD 25 and equipping Parliamentarians with knowledge and skills to take concrete measures to advance the implementation of ICPD Programme of Action and SDGs.
From India Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD attended the meeting.
➤ Asian and African Parliamentarians' Meeting on Population
and Development for ICPD + 25 on 5 - 8 August, 2019,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
The Meeting was organized by Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) and hosted by Tanzania Parliamentarians Association on Population and Development (TPAPD).
The main objectives of this meeting was to provide a platform for deepening Regional Parliamentarians' understanding of the UNFPA's work and its Nairobi Summit on ICPD + 25 and equipping parliamentarians with knowledge and skills to take concrete measures to advance the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action and SDGs.
From India Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended this meeting.
➤ Regional Parliamentarians' Meeting on the Prevention
of Violence against Women and Girls on 4 - 5 July,
2019, Vientiane, Lao PDR
The Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) with the support from the United Nations Population Funds (UNFPA) organized the above mentioned meeting.
The objectives of the meeting was to provide Parliamentarians, officers of the National Committees and Experts an invaluable platform to identify priority policy interventions to address the issues of Violence against Women and Girls in the Asia Pacific regions.
Parliamentarians' experts, civil society organizations from 13 countries and the United Nations in the Asia-Pacific region attended this meeting. From India Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP, Ms. Chhaya Verma, MP and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD.
➤ 7th International Parliamentarians' Conference on the Implementation of ICPD Programme of Action IPCI 2018 on 22 - 23 October, 2018 Ottawa (Canada)
The purpose of the Conference was to focus on enabling policy environment and mobilizing adequate funding from both developed and developing countries for Sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP, Dr. Kirit Solanki, MP and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ International Conference on Investing in Youth "Leaving No Adolescent and Youth Behind, Reaching the Invisible and the Furthest Behind" on 19 - 20 October, 2018, Astana (Kazakhstan)
The purpose of the Conference was to provide a multi-stake holder platform to examine barriers to achieving the full potential of young people, especially in realizing access to education, health and employment and full participation in the Society, and to share effective legislations, policies and intervention to address them.
Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP, Mr. Husain Dalwai, MP and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ Asian and Arab Parliamentarians Meeting and Study Visit on Population and Development - Part II from Youth Bulge to Demographic Dividend: Toward Regional Development and Achievement of the SDGs on 2 - 3 October, 2018, Manama (Bahrain)
The project aims to strengthen the capacity of Parliamentarians on Population and development and to galvanize the South-South cooperation among Parliamentarians and policymakers from Arab and Asian regions.
Mr. Nadimul Haque, MP and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ Asian and African Parliamentarians' - Project on "Parliamentarians as the Fourth Pillar for Achieving the 2030 Agenda: Population, Food Security, and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)" on 8 - 10 August, 2018, Accra (Ghana)
To discuss the SDGs, it is essential for Parliamentarians to encourage inter-regional exchange, share information, and take stock of progress and population issues.
The objectives of the Conference was to provide a platform for Asian and African Parliamentarians to exchange their good practices and lessons learned, promote parliamentary networking, and further individual and collective supra-partisan actions to address population issues.
Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ IPCI Steering Committee (International Parliamentarians Conference on the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action), on 20th June, 2018 Geneva (Switzerland)
To discuss resource mobilization of the creation of an enabling environment for population and development issues for IPCI Conference will take place in October, 2018
Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP attended.
➤ Strengthening the Capacity of Parliamentarians for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, Ageing, Fertility and Youth Empowerment, on 12 - 13 June, 2018 Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia)
To discuss capacity and engagement in mainstreaming demographic dimensions into policy and legislative development in response to ageing, very low fertility and youth activity.
Dr. B.N. Goud, MP, Mr. Narayan Lal Panchariya, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ AFPPD 86th Executive Committee Meeting, 4th May, 2018,Bangkok (Thailand)
Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD and Shri Shiv Khare, Ex. Executive Director of AFPPD attended the meeting.
➤ Global TB Caucus Consultation on the High Level Meeting on TB, 25 - 27 April, 2018, New York (USA)
The consultation will bring caucus members together from round the World for discussing the First UN High Level Meeting on TB and how the Global TB caucus can ensure that the meeting has the maximum possible impact.
Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ Global Ageing Symposium, 23 - 24 October, 2017, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) is the Secretariat of the Japan Parliamentarians Federation for Population (JPFP) has been actively engaged into Parliamentarians' activities to address population and development issues.
The aim of present Global Ageing Symposium in Seoul will offer Asian Parliamentarians an invaluable platform to share, through presentations and discussions, key findings from APDA's past 3 years Ageing Projects with other participants from various professions and backgrounds.
Shri Chandra Prakash Joshi, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ AFPPD 83rd Executive Committee Meeting and AFPPD 12th General Assembly Meeting on "Engaging Parliamentarians, Pursuing Human Development", 6 - 9 October, 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka
The overall purpose of the 12th General Assembly is to critically review mid-terms progress towards the expected results of current strategic Plan, contributing to the full achievement of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and accelerating the effective implementation of the Programme of Action of the international Conference of Population and Development (ICPDPOA) beyond 2014.
Prof. P.J. Kurien, Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha, Vice-Chair AFPPD, Chairman, IAPPD, Shri Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu, MP, and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ Global TB Caucus Consultation on the High Level Meeting
on TB, 25 � 27 April, 2018, New York (USA)
The consultation will bring caucus members together from round the World for discussing the First UN High Level Meeting on TB and how the Global TB caucus can ensure that the meeting has the maximum possible impact.
Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ Global Ageing Symposium, 23 � 24 October, 2017, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) is the Secretariat of the Japan Parliamentarians Federation for Population (JPFP) has been actively engaged into Parliamentarians� activities to address population and development issues.
The aim of present Global Ageing Symposium in Seoul will offer Asian Parliamentarians an invaluable platform to share, through presentations and discussions, key findings from APDA�s past 3 years Ageing Projects with other participants from various professions and backgrounds.
Shri Chandra Prakash Joshi, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ AFPPD 83rd Executive Committee Meeting and AFPPD 12th General Assembly Meeting on �Engaging Parliamentarians, Pursuing Human Development�, 6 � 9 October, 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka
The overall purpose of the 12th General Assembly is to critically review mid-terms progress towards the expected results of current strategic Plan, contributing to the full achievement of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and accelerating the effective implementation of the Programme of Action of the international Conference of Population and Development (ICPDPOA) beyond 2014.
Prof. P.J. Kurien, Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha, Vice-Chair AFPPD, Chairman, IAPPD, Shri Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu, MP, and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ Multistakeholder Forum : Investing in Healthy and Active Ageing for Sustainable Growth, 15 � 16 August, 2017 and AFPPD Standing Committee Meeting on Active Ageing, on 17th August, 2017, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
The overarching goal of the forum is to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by rapid aging in the Asia-Pacific economies and to explore ways to enhance cross-border, cross-sectoral cooperation that will lead to building resident and sustainable communities throughout the region.
Prof. P.J. Kurien, Dr. Chairman, Rajya Sabha, Vice-Chair AFPPD, Chairman, IAPPD, Shri Laxmi Narayan Yadav, MP, Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ Asian and Arab Parliamentarians Meeting and Study Visit on Population and Development, From Youth Bulge to Demographic Dividend: Towards Regional Development Achievements of the SDGs, 18 � 20 July, 2017, Amman (Jordan)
The main theme of the programme was identifying and examining the issues of youth bulgo and demographic dividend in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Arab Region.
Mr. Husain Dalwai, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended the meeting.
➤ G 7 Rome International Parliamentarians' Conference on The Challenges of a World on the Move: Migration and Gender Equality, Women's Agency and Sustainable Development - 4 - 5 May, 2017 and 82nd Executive Committee Meeting of AFPPD - 6 May, 2017 at Rome (Italy)
The objectives of this Conference follows the tradition of International Parliamentarians' Conferences, which have taken place on the subject of development and population in the countries holding the G 7/8 presidency since 2005.
Main focus of the Conference was on migration through a human rights perspective - in particular a women's right to health and a gender approach.
Prof. P.J. Kurian, Dy. Chairman (Upper House), Vice-Chairman AFPPD, Chairman IAPPD and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ Regional Parliamentarians' Conference on Combatting Human Trafficking, Second Joint Meeting of Standing Committees on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment and Invest in Youth, and National Committees Sub-Regional Strategy Meeting 21 - 23 March, 2017 at Bangkok (Thailand)
The objective of this Conference was to strengthen regional platforms to improve advocacy, coordinate and share best practices and information. To develop common strategies/sub-regional action plan for Parliamentary and cross sectoral corporation to prevent trafficking and promote south-south cooperation.
Ms. Viplove Thakur, MP (Vice-Chair - IAPPD), Mr. Narsaiah Bura, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ BERLIN TB SUMMIT 20 - 22 March, 2017 at Berlin, (Germany)
This meeting is a unique Meeting of Parliamentarians from across the Group of 20( G 20) countries, to discuss the global treat of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) and the broader response to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) which will discussed at the G 20 Summit later this year.
Mr. Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu, MP and Mr. Nadimul Haque, MP.
➤ The 18th General Assembly of the Asia Pacific Parliamentarians' Conference on Environment and Development (APPCED) Theme : UN - SDGs and International Development on 10 - 12 November, 2016 at Seoul, Republic of Korea
The theme of the Conference was to share ideas, experiences and policies to effectively deal with emerging challenges of hunger, population dynamics, climate change and human development.
Ms. Viplove Thakur, MP (Vice-Chair - IAPPD), Shri Avinash Rai Khanna, Ex. MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ 81st AFPPD Executive Committee Meeting on 3rd November, 2016 and 11th Women Ministers and Parliamentarians Conference on 4 - 5 November, 2016 at Bangkok (Thailand)
AFPPD organized an 81st AFPPD Executive Committee meeting and 11th Women Ministers and Parliamentarians Conference. The objective of the Conference is to foster concerted collaboration among men and women Parliamentarians and Ministers to formulate and advocate for a regional gender-related policy agenda from a life cycle approach.
Prof. P.J. Kurien, Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha, Vice-Chairman, AFPPD, Chairman, IAPPD, Ms. Viplove Thakur, MP (Vice-Chair - IAPPD) and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ The Policy Dialogue of Asian Parliamentarians and Experts on Ageing at Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 11 - 12 October, 2016
APDA with host the AFPPD, Malaysia and support from the UNFPA organized a meeting and Study visit on Policy Dialogue of Asian Parliamentarians and Experts on Ageing. The Programme helped the Parliamentarians, Officers of National Committees and Expert an invaluable opportunity to learn long term impact of the demographic transmission and to consider appropriate policy and legal interventions for sustainable, healthy ageing societies.
Shri Husain Dalwai, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ Helpage Asia Pacific Regional Conference on "The Economic Implications of Ageing" Hanoi, (Vietnam), 6 - 8, September, 2016
The Regional Conference focused in some key areas of adaption such as in health and care work in later life and sources of household income. This explored through the lens of the effect of population ageing on the future performance of the economy, the well being of individuals and fiscal implications.
Shri Laxmi Narain Yadav, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended the meeting.
➤ Enhancing the Role of Parliamentarians in the inter-linkage between Population Issues and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - Part-II, 10 - 12, August, 2016, Addis Ababa, (Ethiopia)
APDA in cooperation with Ethiopian Parliament and with support from UNFPA and Japan Trust Fund organized a meeting on Enhancing the Role of Parliamentarians in the inter-linkage between Population issues and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - Part-II in Addis Ababa.
The main theme of the programme was to identify and examine the role of parliamentarians towards achieving the 2030 agenda for sustainable development goals and their contribution to Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development with focus on population and sustainable development.
Shri Anand Bhaskar Rapolu, MP, Shri Arjunlal Meena, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ AFPPD 80th Executive Committee Meeting and G - 7, Global Conference of Parliamentarians on Population and Development: Realizing Healthy Lives and Promoting Well-Being for All - 25-27 April, 2016 - Tokyo, Japan
The meeting was organized by AFPPD in collaboration with Japan Parliamentarians Federation for Population (JPFP).
The objective of this Meeting was to solicit high level commitments and political actions by global parliamentarians and ensure that the Conference outcomes will be delivered to the G-7 leaders via the Sherpa.
130 Members of Parliament from 65 countries in Asia-Pacific Region, Africa, Arab, Europe, North America and Latin America attended the meeting.
From India, Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP, Dr. Vijaylaxmi Sadho, MP, Shri Jugal Kishore, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ South Asia of Parliamentarians' Meeting on Child Marriage -22-23, March, 2016 - Kathmandu, Nepal
The meeting was organized by AFPPD in collaboration with the Nepalese Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (NFPPD).
The objective of this Meeting was to accelerate parliamentarians� efforts both at the national and sub-regional levels to eliminate child marriage and promote gender equality and women�s empowerment.
63 Members of Parliament from 13 countries in Asia-Pacific Region attended the meeting.
From India, Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP, Dr. Vijaylaxmi Sadho, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights - 23-26 February, 2016 - Myanmar
This Conference was organized by Family Planning Association of India and IPPF-SARO in collaboration with IAPPD.
The objective of this Conference was to examine the role of the Parliamentarians in increasing political support and buy in and strengthen the implementation of the Health and Gender Goals in 2030 Agenda.
Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP, Shri Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu, MP, Shri Narayan Lal Panchariya, MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ "The 2nd Training Workshop for Parliamentarians on Prioritizing ICPD in the SDGs" on 30th November - 1st December, 2015, Hotel Lalit, New Delhi
The above Training Workshop for Parliamentarians on Prioritizing ICPD in the SDGs' was jointly organized by IAPPD, India and AFPPD, Bangkok.
The Training Workshop aims to Strengthen Parliamentarians advocacy skills and capacity to address population and development issues within the new development agenda.
The programme was also focused on strengthening the capacity of Parliamentarian and National Committee Secretariat Staff by rolling out the new resource units and learning by doing.
A total number of 31 Participants comprising of 4 MPs from Afghanistan, 2 MPs from Bhutan, 8 MPs from India, 4 MPs from Indonesia and 11 Senior officials from AFPPD/IPPF/FPAI and IAPPD attended the meeting.
Overall, the participants thought that the event was well organized.
➤ The 11th General Assembly of AFPPD - Informal Consultation of the 2016
Parliamentary Activities - 78th and 79th AFPPD Executive Committee Meetings and 3rd Task Force Meeting - October 9 - 11, 2015 at Bangkok Thailand
Prof. P.J. Kurien, Dy. Chairman Rajya Sabha and Vice Chairman, AFPPD, Mr. Avinash Rai Khanna, Member of Parliament, Mr. Shantaram Naik, Member of Parliament, Mr. V.P. Singh, Badnore, Member of Parliament, Mrs. Gundu Sudha Rani, Member of Parliament and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended. The meeting was organised by AFPPD, Banglok.
➤ Asian and African Parliamentarians Meeting on "Enhancing the Role of
Parliamentarians in the Interlinkage between Population Issues and the Post 2015. Development Agenda" - October 1 - 3,2015 - Nairobi,(Kenya)
Mr. Jesudasu Seelam, Member of Parliament and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended. The meeting was organised by APDA, Japan
➤ 77th AFPPD Executive Committee Meeting on 4th May 2015, Bangkok (Thailand)
Prof. P.J. Kurien, MP, Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended the meeting.
The main objectives of the meeting to overall goal of the implementation of APRO Project is a strengthened Parliamentarians platform for conducting policy dialogue and supporting policy formation, implementation and monitoring of the ICPD Programme of Action in the context of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs)
➤ The Second Transparency Accountability, and Government (TAG) Task Force meeting on 3rd May 2015, Bangkok (Thailand)
Prof. P.J. Kurien, MP, Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended the meeting.
The main objectives of the meeting to allow Parliamentarians to regenerate commitment and buildup political will for action to tackle the remaining tasks of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2015
➤ International G 7 Parliamentarians Conference on Population and Development in preparation for the 2015 G 7 Submit "Empowering Women and Girls to lead self-determined, health and productive lives", 16 - 17 April, 2015 Berlin (Germany)
Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP attended the meeting
The main objective of the meeting to bring together parliamentarians from G7, G20 and Southern and emerging countries to discuss and strategize emerging issues, Challenges, best practices, lessons learned and policy recommendation.
➤ 4th Annual AFPPD National Committees UNFPA Advocacy Planning Session on 28 - 29 January 2015, Bangkok (Thailand)
Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended the meeting.
The main objectives of the meeting to focused on strengthening the parliamentarians between the AFPPD National Committees and UNFPA country offices to ensure a consolidated efforts forwards the further implementation of the ICPD in the past 2015.