IAPPD National Activities
Release of the First Round of Research Findings | Analysis of Parliament Questions on Population & Health
Release of the First Round of Research Findings
International/NationalConferences and Seminars
Since its establishment, the IAPPD is organizing national as well as international conferences and seminars in the field of population and development. Efforts are made to increase the level of understanding and awareness of population issues on the part of elected representatives secure their cooperation and support.
Research Studies
The IAPPD undertakes research studies in the area of advocacy, population and development, HIV / AIDS, etc. in the country. The government uses the study results and policy recommendations as basic materials for formulating its programmes and policy in the field of population and development. Acknowledging the endless efforts of the IAPPD in the field of population and development, the United Nations' Population Fund (UNFPA) has assigned the IAPPD to carry out a project, tided 'Involvement of Elected Representatives for Advocacy on Population, Reproductive Health, HIV / AIDS, Reproductive Rights and Empowerment of Women'. The project was entrusted to the IAPPD by the UNFPA through the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India .
Workshops for MPs and Legislators
In order to sensitize the parliamentarians and legislators regarding new issues and perspectives on population policy and population stabilisation programme several workshop were organised by IAPPD. These workshops enabled the elected representatives to understand the paradigm shift in policies and programmes on population stabilization, reproductive rights, empowerment of women and HIV / AIDS. Issues such as advocacy for male participation, gender equity and equality and promotion of adolescents were also discussed in these workshops. Apart from elected representatives at Centre, State and district level, workshops were also organized up to the block level representatives and opinion leaders.
Training of Trainers
Endowed with a very rich panel of subject experts on population, environment and socio- economic development, IAPPD provided training to trainers on different themes, subjects and issues specially during the project on 'Involvement of Elected Representatives for Advocacy on Population, Reproductive Health, HIV / AIDS, Reproductive Rights and Empowerment of Women'. The trainees included government programme administrators, NGOs, academicians, social activities, opinion leaders and influential social and religious leaders.
National Activities 2015
➤ 7th Sat Paul Mittal Memorial Lecture
Honble Justice Aravind Kumar, Supreme Court of India
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
➤ IAPPD Standing Committee Meeting
"Role of Parliamentarians on Accelerating Achievements of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Focus on Teenage Pregnancies and Malnutrition among Children in India"
11th December 2024, New Delhi.
➤ Sensitization Workshop on "Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in Women
Empowerment, Health and other related issues"
March 14, 2024, Tonk, Rajasthan.
➤ Sat Paul Mittal Inter-University Debate 2024
March 1-2, 2024, at the IAPPD Auditorium, New Delhi.
➤ Sensitization/Mobilization Workshop on
"Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in Health, Women
Empowerment and other related issues"
Auhar, District Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh
12th February, 2024.
➤ Standing Committee Meeting on �Nutrition in Human Health and Development � Role ofParliamentarians�
Le-Meridien Hotel
20 December, 2023
The Standing Committee Meeting of IAPPD was held on 20th December, 2023 in New Delhi. The meeting was attended by nine Parliamentarians from different political parties. The meeting was presided over by Shri Bhubaneswar Kalita, MP; Vice-chairman of Standing Committee of IAPPD.
Main attraction of the meeting was the presentations on �Health implication of ongoing Nutrition Transition in India� by Dr. PremaRamachandran, Director, Nutrition Foundation of India; and �Maternal and Child Nutrition in India � An Overview� by William Joe, Assistant Professor, Population Research Centre, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi.
➤ Fourth Sensitization Workshop for Jharkhand Legislators (MLAs) �Harnessing Strength of Legislators for Improving Performance of Reproductive Health Programme During and Post-Pandemic/Endemic periods in India� (SAMARTH - 2) � (IAPPD � WHO Project) on 8th June, 2023 � Legislative Assembly, Ranchi (Jharkhand)
With the objective to sensitize the legislators on issue of reproductive health (RH) care services during and Post-Pandemic/Endemic periods, and to motivate them and ensure their commitment to create an enabling environment through advocacy efforts in the country/state and among her/his constituency, the above sensitization workshop was organized. |
Shri Rabinder Nath Mahto, Hon�ble Speaker of Jharkhand Legislative Assembly, Chaired the workshop. Shri Dheeraj Prasad Sahu, Hon�ble Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha), Shri Banna Gupta, Hon�ble Health Minister, and Shri Badal Patralekh, Hon�ble Minister for Agriculture, were the Chief Guest/Guest of Honour on this occasion. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Balamuchu, Ex. Member of Parliament, conducted the event. Nineteen Legislative Members along with Secretary and Joint Secretary of Vidhan Sabha attended the workshop.
➤ Sensitization/Mobilization Workshop for �Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in Health, Women Empowerment and Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)� on 13th May, 2023 � Kaya Village (Forest), Girwa Tehsil, Udaipur (Rajasthan)
The workshop focused on Women Empowerment (Prime Minister�s call), Role of PRIs in achieving SDGs, Maternal Mortality/Infant Mortality/Neo-natal Mortality, and Health Infrastructure.
The Workshop was organized under the leadership of Shri Arjunlal Meena, Hon�ble MP and Member, Standing Committee of IAPPD, representing Udaipur constituency.
Mr. Avinash Rai Khanna, Ex-MP and Vice Chairman, IAPPD, was the Chief Guest
on this occasion. Mr. Phool Singh Meena, MLA, attended as Special Guest. Both
narrated/shared their personal interesting examples of women empowerment at home.
The Workshop was organized in Sewa Mandir, Kaya Village (Forest), Girwa Tehsil, Udaipur, and attended by more than 50 PRIs along with MLAs/MLCs. The Participants specially the women took part in the discussion and narrated their difficulties at the bureaucratic level, non-availability of funds/medicines, etc. Hon�ble Shri Arjun Lal Meena, MP, assured the PRIs his full support to sort out the pending issues.
➤ Workshops/Interactions with the Members of Legislative Assembly on Harnessing the Strength of Parliamentarians/Legislatorsin Improving Reproductive Health Services During and Post-Covid, Pandemic, and Epidemic Periods in India - (IAPPD - WHO Project) on 4th April, 2023 - Shimla (Himachal Pradesh)
The objectives of this project are to prepare the Parliamentarians/Legislators to get involved in strengthening the Reproductive Health (RH) Programme Services to reduce infant, child, and maternal mortality and help couples achieve their planned family by avoiding unwanted births, especially during the period of COVID or any other calamity. The Third Workshop in the series was organized at Hotel Peterhof in Shimla and attended by 22MLAs.
The Hon'ble Chief Minister, ShriSukhvinder Singh Sukhu, was the Chief Guest, and the Hon'ble Speaker, ShriKuldeep Singh Pathania, presided over the Workshop. Mrs. Viplove Thakur, Ex-MP, and Deputy Chairperson, IAPPD, attended the workshopas a Special Guest.
Mrs. Viplove Thakur, in her remarks, thanked the Hon'ble Speaker for organizing the workshop amidst the surging Covid cases in India. She urged the participants to share their experiences during Covid and provide their views on the role of elected representatives during pandemics.
The Hon'ble Chief Minister mentioned that the state government has allocated 6.6% of its totalexpenditure on health, which is higher than the average allocation of health by states (6%). The Hon'ble Speaker mentioned the adverse impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Indian economy of Himachal Pradesh. The Health Minister, Col. D.R. Shandil, highlighted the Covid testing facility in the state, which is higher throughout the country as per the average testing rate. The Education Minister, Shri Ravi Thakur discussed the step to be taken in case of future calamities.
Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Population Council of India, New Delhi, made a presentation on 'Strengthening Role of Himachal Pradesh Legislatorsfor Improving Health Services during and Post-Pandemic/Endemic (COVID-19) Period in India'. Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD, briefed the MLAs about the activities of the IAPPD and the WHO Project and requested their views on measures to be taken by elected representatives during any such future pandemics like Covid.
➤ Workshops/Interactions with the Members of Legislative Assembly on Harnessing the Strength of Parliamentarians/Legislators in Improving Reproductive Health Services During and Post-Covid, Pandemic, and Epidemic Periods in India - (IAPPD-WHO Project) on 27th March, 2023- Patna (Bihar)
The objectives of this project are to prepare the Parliamentarians/Legislators to get involved in strengthening the Reproductive Health (RH) Programme Services to reduce infant, child, and maternal mortality and help couples achieve their planned family by avoiding unwanted births, especially during the period of COVID or any other calamity. Under this Project the Second Workshop was organized at Hotel Maurya in Patna, Bihar and attended by 25 MLAs/MLCs.
Mr. Devesh Chander Thakur, Chairman of Bihar Legislative Council, appreciated IAPPD for this timely workshop in his address. Shri Ram ChanderPurve, Deputy Chairman of Bihar Legislative Council, said that our primary role should be that of social activists rather than just politicians, and we should act accordingly.ShriRajneeti Prasad, Ex-MP, conducted the workshop.
Prof. P.P. Talwar, Member of Technical Committee of IAPPD, made a technical presentation. All the MLAs shared their experiences during Covid and views on any future calamities. |
➤ Workshops/Interactions with the Members of Legislative Assembly on Harnessing the Strength of Parliamentarians/Legislatorsin Improving Reproductive Health Services During and Post-Covid, Pandemic, and Epidemic Periods in India - (IAPPD -WHO Project) on 23rd March, 2023-Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
The objectives of this project are to prepare the Parliamentarians/Legislators to get involved in strengthening the Reproductive Health (RH) Programme Services to reduce infant, child, and maternal mortality and help couples achieve their planned family by avoiding unwanted births, especially during the period of COVID or any other calamity.Under this Project, aWorkshop for Legislators was organized in the Chhattisgarh State Legislative Assembly on 23rd March, 2023. The Workshop was attended by 14 MLAs.
Dr. Charan Das Mahant, Hon'ble Speaker, Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly, Chaired the Workshop.
Shri T.S. Singh Deo, Hon'ble Minister for Health & Family Welfare and Medical Education, Chhattisgarh, also participated.
Mrs. ChayaVerma, Ex-MP, and Member, IAPPD Standing Committee conducted the meeting.
Prof.P.P. Talwar, Member of Technical Committee of IAPPD, made a presentation on 'Role of Members of Legislative Assembly of Chhattisgarh on Harnessing the Strength of Parliamentarians/Legislators in Improving Reproductive Health Services During and Post-Covid, Pandemic, and Epidemic Periods in India - A Win-Win Situation'.
Mr. Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD, in his welcome address, briefed the MLAs about the activities of the IAPPD and the WHO Project and requested their views on measures to be taken by elected representatives during pandemics like Covid. All the MLAs shared their experiences during Covid and views on any future calamities. |
➤ Hon'ble President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu, presented two Research Monographs by the IAPPD on 22nd February, 2023
Prof P.J. Kurien, former-Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha, Chairman, Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (IAPPD) presented two IAPPD publications to Hon'ble President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu, on (i) 'Social and Behaviour Change for SRHR, including FP: India on the Move' and (ii) 'Gender Equality, Equity and Women Empowerment in India - Status, Challenges and Opportunities', in the presence of Prof. Sudesh Nangia, Prof. J.S. Yadav, Dr. Deepak Gupta (lead authors), and Mr. Manmohan Sharma, IAPPD.
➤ Meeting of the Members of Parliament on Harnessing Strength of Parliamentariansin Improving Reproductive Health Services During and Post-Covid, Pandemic, and Epidemic Periods in India- (IAPPD - WHO Project)on 7th February 7, 2023- New Delhi
With the objectives to prepare the Parliamentarians and ERs to get involved in strengthening the Reproductive Health (RH) Program Services a Workshop was organized by IAPPD on 7th February, 2023.
Mr. Harivansh Narayan Singh, Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha, was the Chief Guest on this occasion and Prof. P.J. Kurien, former Vice Chairman, Rajya Sabha, and Chairman, IAPPD, presided over. Ten Members of Parliament (MPs) and Experts from WHO and IAPPD attended this meeting.
➤ Sensitization Workshop on the Role of Newly Elected Members of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in achieving Women Empowerment and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)on 6th January, 2023-Nuh (Mewat - Haryana)
Rao Inderjit Singh, Hon'ble Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Mrs. Viplove Thakur, Ex. MP; Vice-Chair, IAPPD, presided over. A technical presentation on 'Panchayat Leadership and Good Governance' was madeby C3India. Around 200 PRIs including state officials attended this Workshop. The PRIs shared their views and problems being faced in their area while performing their responsibilities.
➤ Sensitization Workshop forMembers of Parliament (MPs) under forthe (IAPPD-WHO Project)-Harnessing Strength of Parliamentarians in Improving Reproductive Health Services During and Post-Covid Pandemic, and Epidemic Periods in India-(SAMARTH-2)on 22nd December, 2022- New Delhi
This workshop was Chaired by Mr. Bhubaneswar Kalita, MP and Chairman, Parliamentary Committee on Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. It was attended by Twelve Members of Parliament.
➤ Sensitization/Mobilization Workshop on "Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in Women Empowerment and Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)' on 5th November, 2022 in North Dinajpur (West Bengal) IAPPD at India - Bangladesh Border
The workshop was organized by IAPPD successfully at the initiative of Md. Nadimul Haque, Hon'ble MP and Member, Standing Committee of IAPPD.
Md. Ghulam Rabbani, Hon'ble Minister of Minority Affairs and Madrasah Education Department, Government of West Bengal, was the Chief Guest. Around 150 PRIs along with district officials and other dignitaries attended this Workshop.
In his address, the Hon'ble Minister, while appreciating the efforts of IAPPD to organize this workshop focusing on PRIs in North Dinajpur, informed that this is the first ever workshop on these important issues in the history of the district. The district is dominated by a minority community.
A technical presentation for the PRIs was made by the IAPPD on 'Situation of Reproductive, Maternal, Child, and Adolescents, Health (RMNCH) in West Bengal and Uttar Dinajpur, with reference to Sustainable Development Goals'
➤ Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions (Village Elected Representatives) in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Women Empowerment (under Small Grant Project of Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD), Japan) on 4th July, 2022 in Korba (Chhattisgarh)
The workshop was organized by IAPPDwith support from the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD), Japan; and in collaboration with the Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly.
The workshop was chaired by Mrs. Viplove Thakur, former-MP; Vice Chairperson of IAPPD and Vice-Chairperson of AFPPD. Dr. Charan Das Mahant, Speaker of the Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly was the Chief Guest of this occasion. Mrs. Jyostna Charan Das Mahant, Member of Parliament, Korba; Mrs. Anila Bhedia, Women and Child Development Minister, Chhattisgarh; Mrs. Chhaya Verma, Former MP; Mr. Mohit Ram Kerketta, MLA; Mr. Purshottam Kanwar, MLA; Mr. Rajkishore Prasad, Mayor; Mrs. Archana Upadhyay, Member, State Women Commission; and Mrs. Shivkla Kanwar, President, District Panchayat, Korba, were also graced the occasion.
Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Technical Expert from Population Council of India, Delhi, made a presentation on "Reproductive, Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health in Korba District and Chhattisgarh" State. His presentation was based on demographic and socio-economic situation, family planning, maternal health, immunization and adolescent health.
The workshop was attended by more than 150 women PRIs from all the ten blocks of Korba district. Also, officials from health and other departments of the state government, health workers activists, anganwadi workers, etc. attended the workshop in large numbers.
➤ Standing Committee Meeting on 5th April, 2022 at Le-Meridian Hotel, New Delhi
The Standing Committee Meeting of IAPPD was held on 5th April, 2022 in New Delhi. The meeting was attended by 17 Parliamentarians from different political parties.
The meeting was presided over by Prof. P.J. Kurien, Chairman, IAPPD. Mrs. Viplove Thakur, Vice-Chairperson delivered the welcome address. Mr. Depender Hooda, MP, Vice-Chairman, IAPPD engaged the Participants and Experts in discussion.
Main attraction of the meeting was the presentations on "National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) findings" by Prof. K.S. James, Director, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, and "Key Takeaways from NFHS-5" by Dr. NiranjanSaggurti, Country Director, Population Council, New Delhi. The meeting was also attended by Mr. P. Manoj Kumar, Chief Director (Statistics), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi.
➤ IAPPD-WHO Project 'Harnessing Strength of Parliamentarians in Improving
Reproductive Health Services during and Post-Covid Period in India'
This collaborative project (IAPPD and WHO, Country Office) attempts to prepare the Parliamentarians and State Legislators in India to play their following threefold role of strengthening the Reproductive Health Programme in India during and post Covid period in India:

o Play advocacy role for various policy, strategy and budgeting issues of
the Reproductive Health Programme in Parliament and State Legislatures
o Support and monitor the programme in their constituencies, and
o Engage with people (in individual families and in groups), inform them of the services and inspire them to accept them.
Under this project, Sensitization Workshops for State (Province) Legislators of Madhya Pradesh at Bhopal on 21 December, 2021, Rajasthan at Jaipur on 28 December, 2021 and Haryanaat Chandigarh on 29 December, 2021 were organized in the State Assemblies. In all three State (programmes), 49 legislators attended these workshops. Hon'ble Speakers of the respective Legislative Assembly presided over the workshops. A Resource Book entitled "Parliamentarians' Engagement in Strengthening Reproductive Health Programme in India" (in English and Hindi language) developed by IAPPD-WHO were distributed among the participants of these workshops. The document addresses the advocacy role of Parliamentarians and Legislators to make policy and/or to modify existing policy/strategy for strengthening a public health programme/issue. It also contains information on some Reproductive Health Programme issues.
➤ Released Two Reports of the IAPPD by Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu 20 August, 2020
Releasing Two Reports of the IAPPD as"Status of Sex Ratio at Birth in India" and
"Elderly Population in India: Status and Support Systems"
He was addressing the gathering virtually after releasing two reports, brought out by the Indian Association of Parliaments on Population and Development (IAPPD) in New Delhi. Before releasing of the Reports Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, briefed about the establishment of IAPPD and its national/international activities on Population and Development related issues from 1980 till today.
Prof. P.P. Talwar highlighted the main objectives and recommendations of the Sex Ratio Report. He said the present trend of skewed or imbalance in Sex Ratio in India has created or will create serious concerns for necessary stability in the society.
Prof. (Mrs.) Sudesh Nangia highlighted the objectives and recommendations of Elderly Population in India. This report has attempted to present the status of elderly population of India, covering dimensions of their current Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile.
In his address, the Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu lauded IAPPD for its focus on population and development.
➤ National Activities during COVID 19.
➤ Eradication of TB and Awareness, a Workshop for Elected Representatives (PRIs) of Jalandhar Municipal Corporation was organized by IAPPD with the support of Jalandhar Administration, Government of Punjab on 23rd December, 2019 at Skylark Hotel, Jalandhar, Punjab
Welcoming the Chief Guest Chaudhary Santokh Singh, MP other dignitaries and the participants, Shri Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD, Delhi highlighted the objectives of the Workshop.
The Workshop was presided over by Shri Chaudhary Santokh Singh, MP. He said concrete and united efforts were needed to eradicate the menace of Tuberculosis (TB) from the Society. He further said that Government of Punjab had already been carrying out an extensive TB elimination programme across the State with a view to making the State TB free by 2023.
The Workshop was attended by about 150 Members of PRIs from Zila Parishad/Nagar Nigam/Village Panchayat and officials of Health, Education and TB related departments.
➤ Eradication of TB and Awareness, a Workshop for Elected Representatives (PRIs) of Amritsar Municipal Corporation was organized by IAPPD with the support of Administration of Amritsar, Government of Punjab on 20th December, 2019
Welcoming the Chief Guest Shri O.P. Soni, Hon'ble Cabinet Minister, Medical, Education and Research, Food Processing Freedom Fighters, Punjab, other dignitaries and the participants, Shri Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD, Delhi highlighted the objectives of the Workshop.
Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP, Vice-Chair, IAPPD also addressed the participant. The Workshop was inaugurated by Shri O.P. Soni, Hon'ble Cabinet Minister, Punjab and presided over by Chairman Zila Parishad Mr. Dilraj Singh Sarkaria.
The Workshop was attended by about 150 Members of PRIs from Zila Parishad/Nagar Nigam/Village Panchayat and officials of Health, Education and TB related departments.
➤ Meeting of Standing Committee Members of IAPPD : Follow up of ICPD+25 at Nairobi - Unfinished Business on 5th December, 2019 at Hotel Le-Meridien, New Delhi.
A Standing committee Meeting of IAPPD was held on 5th December, 2019 at Hotel Le-Meridien, New Delhi.
The agenda of this meeting was follow-up of ICPD+25 at Nairobi - Unfinished Business presented by Dr. Devender Singh, UNFPA and Youth Bol Campaign : findings of what young people (aged 10+24) from 27 States and 4 Union Territories want for their health; presented by Ms. Tanisha Chadha, Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3).
Shri Harivansh Narayan Singh, Dy. Chairman Rajya Sabha was the Chief Guest. The concluding remarks was given by Prof. P.J. Kurien, Former Dy. Chairman Rajya Sabha, Chairman, IAPPD.
The meeting was chaired by Shri Harivansh Narayan Singh, Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha and presided over by Prof. P.J. Kurien, Former Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha, Chairman, IAPPD.
About 30 participants consisting of 22 Members of Parliament
from different Political Parties attended the meeting.
➤ The 50th UNION World Conference on "Lung Health"
(31.10.2019 to 2.11.2019) at Hyderabad.
Organized by the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung disease (Union). The Conference was inaugurated by the Hon'ble Vice-President of India Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu. About 4000 Male/Female members participated in this Conference.
Shri Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD participated.
➤ Beyond F.P. 2020: Youth Perspective on SRHR & F.P., A National Commission organized by Family Planning Association of India (FPAI) on October 5, 2019 at Hotel Ashoka, New Delhi.
The main objective of this meeting was to deliberate on reframing the National courses on Family Planning from a rights based, youth centric less beyond F.P. 2020 and to create multi stake holders engagement to maximize access, choice and quality of SRH including Family Planning for young people.
Shri Manmohan Sharma, Secretary, IAPPD attended this meeting.
➤ Meeting of Women Parliamentarians on "Violence Against Women and Children in India"
IAPPD has organized a Parliamentarians meet on "Violence Against Women and Children" on 24th July, 2019 at Parliament Annexe, New Delhi to take up issues at to the representatives of the people at every level of governance specially at Grassroots levels.
The Chief Guest of the Meeting was Smt. Samriti Irani, Hon'ble Union Minister for Women and Child Development and the session was chaired by Prof. P.J. Kurien, Former Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha, Chairman IAPPD and Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP, Vice Chair, IAPPD
About 35 Members of Parliament primarily by the enthusiastic women Parliamentarians both from the houses (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) across all parties and representing different constituencies attended the meet.
➤ Sensitization Workshop for Legislators/Members of Zila Panchayat on Water Conservation and Scarcity on 20th February, 2019 in Hotel Palash, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)
The main objective of Meeting was to sensitize the Elected representatives including Legislators of Madhya Pradesh and Members of Zila Panchayat (PRI's), Bhopal on Water Conservation and its shortage in future challenges of Madhya Pradesh State.
About 50 Participants consisting of 12 Members of Legislative Assembly and 15 Members of Zila Panchayat, Bhopal attended the meeting.
The meeting was chaired by Shri Laxman Singh, Ex. MP presently MLA Legislative Assembly, Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal.
Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD, Delhi welcomed the participant. He briefed the objectives of the meeting.
➤ A Parliamentarian Round Table Meeting on Challenges and Opportunities to realize India's Family Planning Commitments was jointly organized by IAPPD and Population Foundation of India (PFI) on 11th February, 2019 in Hotel Claridges, New Delhi.
The main objective of Meeting were to develop a set of recommendations on the need to increase investment in Family Planning in India and to identify strategies to ensure greater commitment for young people's sexual and reproductive health and right (SRHR).
About 18 Members consisting of 9 Members of Parliaments from different political parties attend the meeting.
➤ IAPPD Standing Committee Meeting - 5th February, 2019 Hotel Le-Meridien, New Delhi
IAPPD Standing Committee Meeting was held on 5th February, 2019 at Hotel Le-Meridien, New Delhi. Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP; Vice-Chairperson, IAPPD welcomed the members. Shri Harivansh Narayan Singh, Dy. Chairman, Upper House was the Guest of Honour. The proceedings were conducted by Prof. P.J. Kurien, Former Dy. Chairman, Upper House, Rajya Sabha; Chairman, IAPPD. The meeting was attended by more than 18 Members of Parliament from different political parties and 5 Technical Experts. A Presentation latest research on "Leveraging Population Dynamics Sustainable Development" was delivered by Dr. Devender Singh, UNFPA, New Delhi was appreciated.
➤ Visit of 8 Members of Parliamentary Delegation to Partner's Forum, 2018 8 Members of Parliament of European Parliamentary Forum (EPF) from different countries namely, Zambia, Portugal, Belgium, Albania, Azebaijan, Flemish visited India from 10 to 14 December, 2018. During this period Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development in collaboration with European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development arranged a meeting with Hamdard University for understanding the SRHR related health facilities is being provided by the University on 11th December, 2018. To meet/greet and interact with delegation members of European Parliamentary Forum (EPF) with Indian Parliament Members a meeting was also organized in Constitutional Club on 13th December, 2018.
➤ Sensitization Workshop for Counselors of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation on Eradication of TB and Awareness on Maternal Health, Reproductive Health and Child Health on 23rd December, 2018, at Ahmedabad, Gujarat With the objective to sensitize the Councilors of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation a Workshop on Eradication of Tuberculosis from Ahmedabad and other health issues was organized by Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (iappd), Delhi with the cooperation of Government of Gujarat.
➤ One day Sensitization Workshop for Elected Representatives (PRIs) of Bhongir District of Telangana on "Striving Towards a T.B. Free Telengana State" on 17th July, 2018 With the objective to Sensitize the Members of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) on the issues of eradication of Tuberculosis in Telangana, a sensitization workshop was organized by IAPPD, Delhi in collaboration with the India TB - Caucus and Government of Telangana on 17th July, 2018 at Bhongir District.
The Workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Narsaiah Boora Gowd, MP, co-chair India TB - Caucus. About 400 participants including PRIs, Anganwadi Workers, ASHA Activist and official of Health Departments attended the Workshop.
➤ Consultative Roundtable with Parliamentarians on Prioritising Family Planning and SDGs on 3rd April, 2018, at Constitutional Club, New Delhi The consultative Roundtable with Parliamentarians organized jointly by Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (IAPPD) and Population Foundation of India (PFI).
The objective of the meeting was sharing the finding from the study on Cost of Inaction (COI) and Budget Allocation for Family Planning activities in India, conducted by PFI.
The Meeting was attended by more than 30 Member of Parliament (MPs) who contributed to the issues verywell giving their own grass-root level experience.
Prof. P.J. Kurien, Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha Chairman, IAPPD presided over the meeting.
➤ One day Sensitization Workshop for PRIs on Involvement of Elected Representatives on Population and Development issues with Special Emphasis on Family Planning, Reproductive and Sexual Health and Child Health and TB in Shimla, District of Himachal Pradesh on 27th March, 2018 at Panchayat Bhawan, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh The one day workshop of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) members was organized by the IAPPD jointly with the Government of Himachal Pradesh with the objective to sensitize the PRIs on Population Stabilization and health related issues with special emphasis on Family Planning, Women Empowerment, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Reproductive Rights and Child Health and TB.
The Workshop was inaugurated by Shri Virendra Kumar, Minister of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Himachal Pradesh. More than 200 PRIs from Zila Panchayat, Block Samiti, Gram Panchayat and Population and Health related officials of Shimla District attended the Workshop.
➤ Budgetary Priorities and Processes for Maternal Health: Parliamentarians Roundtable on 8th February, 2018 at Hotel Le-Meridian, New Delhi A Roundtable with Parliamentarians for discussions on Health specially Budgetary Priorities and Processes for Maternal Health was held jointly by IAPPD and White Ribbon Alliance India (WRAI) on 8th February, 2018 at Hotel Le-Meridian, News Delhi.
The objective of this Meeting was to discuss and debate the concerns around budget allocation and utilization on other related issues specially on Maternal Health by Members of Parliament.
The meeting was chaired by Hon'ble Members of Parliament, Mrs. Viplove Thakur. About 9 Members of Parliament and 20 Members of Civil Societies attended the meeting.
➤ Mumbai Municipal Corporator's Meet Towards a TB - Free India on 7th November, 2017 at Veer Savarkar Rashtriya Samarak Auditorium, Mumbai With the objectives to sensitize the Mumbai Municipal Corporator's a sensitization meeting on the issues of Tuberculosis in Maharashtra and to discuss role of Municipal Corporators of Mumbai in eliminating TB in their areas was jointly organized by the IAPPD, The Union and Government of Maharashtra.
During the Meeting various issues were discussed on TB situation in India, particularly state of Maharashtra.
➤ Enhancing the Role of Parliamentarians in the Inter-linkage between Population Issues and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development � Part III was organized by the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA), Japan and hosted by Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development, New Delhi, India on 13 � 15th September, 2017 at Hotel Le Meridien, New Delhi The theme of the programme was identifying and examining required roles of parliamentarians towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
A group of around 100 Participants attended the Conference. Members of Parliament from African, Asian including India and European Countries, UNFPA and IPPF Representative, officers of the Government, Parliament, JICA and other development partners and APDA and exports attended the Conference.
➤ India TB Caucus : Parliament Meet Towards a TB Free India o
on 11th August, 2017 at Hotel Le-Meridien, New Delhi "India TB causes: Parliamentarians meet Towards a TB-Free India was organized on August 11, 2017 at Hotel Le-Meridian, New Delhi by the IAPPD in collaboration with the International Union against TB and Lung Disease (The Union).
The meet was chaired by Smt. Viplove Thakur, MP and Dr. Eric P. Goosby, UN Special Envoy on Tuberculosis was the Chief Guest. This small lunchon meeting was organized by India TB Caucus to meet and greet the dignitary. A total number of 9 Parliamentarians (MPs) attended the meeting.
➤ Small Briefing on Family Planning and Reproductive Health on 9th August, 2017 at Hotel Shangri-La's - Eros, New Delhi With the objective to discuss issues related to Family Planning with the Members of Parliament was organized by IAPPD in collaboration with Population Foundation of India in New Delhi on 9th August, 2017. The meeting was attended by 5 Members of Parliament namely, Dr. Dharam Vira Gandhi, Dr. S. Sampath, Dr. Ram Swaroop Sharma, Shri Ramakrishna Rangasayee and Dr. Jagannath Manda.
28.TB Elimination Through Effective PartnershipsCentre-State Summit on 28 � 29 July, 2017at Nagpur (Maharashtra) Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (IAPPD) and International Union Against Tuberculosis Lung Diseases (The Union) jointly organized a Legislators Meet to Sensitize and discuss the TB Situation not only in India but specially in Maharashtra. The meet was organized under the aegis of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India on 28th � 29th July, 2017 at Hotel Radission Blu, Nagpur, Maharashtra. The meet was organized under the Leadership of Shri Faggan Singh Kulaste, Minister for State for Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
Four members of Parliament namely, Shri Nanabhau Falgunrao Patole, Shri Krupal Balaji Tumane, Shri Ashok Mahadeorao Nete and Dr. Vikas Mahatme and two Legislators namely, Shri Sudhkar Vitthalrao Kohale and Dr. Milind Mane attended the meet.
➤ Sensitization Workshop of PRIs on TB � Free, Barot, Himachal Pradesh A sensitization Workshop of PRIs on TB � Free Himachal Pradesh was jointly organized by IAPPD and The Union on 10th June, 2017 at Sub-Tehsil, Barot, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
The Workshop was inaugurated by Shri Kaul Singh Thakur, Health Minister, Himachal Pradesh and presided over by Shri Kishan Lal, MLA, Baijnath.
Around 400 participants consisting of 154 PRIs, 100 ASHA's, 50 Anganwari Workers, 50 Mahila Mandal members and the remaining 46 were from health education and administration department attended the Workshop.
All the participants could not registered due to Ministers programme.
Dr. Ramesh the Local Organiser has been requested to send the remaining participants list.
➤ Quality, Equity and Dignity for Improved Maternal Health
On eve of National Safe Motherhood Day on 11th April, 2017 a meeting with Parliamentarians was jointly organized by IAPPD and the White Ribbon Alliance (WRAI) on 10th April, 2017 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
The purpose of this meeting was sharing of collective voices for Quality, Equity and Dignity of one lakh women under Hamara Swasthya, Hamari Awaz initiated the campaign by White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood India (WRAI)
The meeting was address by Chief Guests Hon'ble Shri J.P. Nadda, Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare welcome remarks were given by Dr. Aparajita Gogoi, National Coordinator for Safe Motherhood India (WRAI) and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary. IAPPD. The meeting was presided over by Smt. Viplove Thakur, MP, Vice chair IAPPD. A large numbers more than 200 which includes Members of Parliament and Civil Society attended the meeting.
➤ One - Day Sensitization Workshop on Involvement of Elected Representatives on Population and Development Issues with Special Emphasis on Family Planning, Reproductive and Sexual Health and Child Health, Women Empowerment - 1st April, 2017 - Udaipur (Rajasthan)
The one Day Workshop of PRI's was organized by the IAPPD and Government of Rajasthan with the objective to sensitization of PRI's on population stabilization and health related issues with Special emphasis on Family Planning , Women Empowered, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Child Health.
The Workshop was inaugurated by Shri Arjun Lal Meena, Member of Parliament, Udaipur, Rajasthan. A large number of more than 225, PRIs from Zila Parshad, Block Samiti and Gram Panchayat and health related workers attended the meeting.
➤ One - Day Sensitization Workshop of PRI's on Eradication of TB/Drugs - 26th March, 2017 - Nurpur, Kangra District (Himachal Pradesh)
Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development IIAPPD), International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) and Government of Himachal Pradesh jointly organized a PRIs meet to sensitize them and discuss the TB situation in Himachal Pradesh especially in District Kangra.
The programme to eliminate TB in India has now got big boost under the leadership of Hon'ble Union Health & Health Family Welfare Minister Mr. J.P. Nadda and with the participation of industrialists like Mr. Rattan Tata and Bollywood Star Mr. Amitabh Bachchan.
Hon'ble Health Minister, Government of Himachal Pradesh, inaugurated the Workshop and presided over by Smt. Viplove Thakur, MP and Vice-chairperson, IAPPD.
A large numbers more than 300 PRIs including Civil Society Members attended the meeting.
➤ India TB Caucus : Parliamentarians meet towards a TB Free India - 8th March, 2017 - New Delhi
The meeting was organized by IAPPD in collaboration with the International Union against TB and Lung Disease (The Union). The focus of the meeting was to Sensitize Parliamentarians on the situation of TB in India and to seek their commitment to the formation of on India TB Caucus, which would catalyze a truly robust and sustainable political response to this global disease.
➤ One - Day Sensitization Workshop on Involvement of Elected Representatives on Population and Development Issues with Special Emphasis on Family Planning, Reproductive and Sexual Health and Child Health, Women Empowerment - 18th February, 2017 - Ghumarwin (Himachal Pradesh)
The One Day Workshop of PRI's was organized by the IAPPD with the support from Government of Himachal Pradesh with the objective to sensitization of PRI's on population stabilization and health related issues with Special emphasis on Family Planning , Women Empowered, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Child Health.
The Workshop was inaugurated by Shri Thakur Kaul Singh, Hon'ble Health Minister of Government of Himachal Pradesh. Presidential address was given by Smt. Viplove Thakur, MP and Vice-chairperson , IAPPD.
More than 300 PRIs from different Village Panchayat, Nagar Nigam, Zilla Panchayat attended the Workshop.
➤ One - Day Sensitization Workshop on Involvement of Elected Representatives on Population and Development Issues with Special Emphasis on Family Planning, Reproductive and Sexual Health and Child Health, Women Empowerment - 15th February, 2017 - Hathin, Palwal (Haryana)
The One Day Workshop of PRI's was organized by the IAPPD with the support from District Administration, Hathin, Palwal, Government of Haryana with the objective to sensitization of PRI's on population stabilization and health related issues with Special emphasis on Family Planning , Women Empowered, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Child Health.
The Workshop was inaugurated and presided over by Shri Ashok Kumar Sharma, IAS, Dy. Commissioner, Palwal District, Haryana. Shri Satinder Siwach, Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Hathin, Dr. Riya Sharma and Dr. Janaki also addressed the gathering.
About 200 PRIs from different Village Panchayat, Nagar Nigam, Zilla Panchayat attended the Workshop.
➤ Roundtable with Members of Parliamentarians : Improve Budget Allocation and Utilization for Maternal Health - Hotel Le Meridian, New Delhi - 7th February 2017
To discuss the issues for improving Budget allocation and utilization for Maternal health care was jointly organized by IAPPD alongwith The
White Ribbon Alliance India (WRAI) (formerly CEDPA India - Centre for Catalyzing Change) on 7th February, 2017 at Le Meridian Hotel, New Delhi.
The Meeting was addressed by Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Minister of State for Finance and presided over by Prof. P.J. Kurien, Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha, Chairman, IAPPD. Vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Viplove Thakur, vice-chairperson, IAPPD. Shri Manmohan Sharma introduced the members.
The main purpose was current status and issues in fund utilization in MNCH interventions, Public speaking on health and equity in budget and mechanism for members of Parliament to effectively monitor and guide health care services in their constituencies.
It was suggested that State Governments need to priorities health sector spending with fiscal restructuring the flexibility with the States to spend funds has increase in the proportion of united fund. There is urgent need to enhance accessibility and affordability of health care to marginalized sections such as detailed advances.
A total number of 28 members consisting of 21 members of Parliament attended the meeting. The members was designed exclusively for members of Parliament, representing various States as well as MPs who are on Standing Committee for health and those who stay actively involved and engaged with maternal health issues.
➤ Cover Story
Hon'ble President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee, congratulated the Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development for bringing out the Project report entitled "Content Analysis of Parliament Questions on Population and Health, with special emphasis of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) - (2014 - 2016)". The Report was presented to the Hon'ble President by Prof. P.J. Kurien, Deputy Chairman, Upper House of Parliament and Chairman of IAPPD on September 26, 2016. Smt. Viplove Thakur, MP and Shri Avinash Rai Khanna, Former MP, and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD and 7 members of Technical Advisosry Committee, IAPPD were also present on this occasion.
The objective of the study was to understand the level of awareness among the Parliamentarians on national and international demographic and health agenda. The results of the report were presented under the four categories of population and health questions i.e. population growth and stabilization, reproductive and child healthcare and SRHR, HIV/AIDS and gender ratio, sex determination and female foeticide.
The study was conducted by IAPPD with the support by Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD), Thailand.
➤ Himachal Legislators Meet Towards a TB-Free India - 26th August 2016 - Shimla (Himachal Pradesh)
Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (IAPPD) in collaboration with the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union) and Central TB Division (CTD), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) organized the 'Himachal Legislators Meet Towards a TB-Free India' in Shimla to discuss the problem of TB in Himachal Pradesh and Emphasize the need for collective action at all levels. The meet was inaugurated by Shri Virbhadra Singh, Honorable Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh and attended by a large number of MLAs and other state officials.
➤ Parliamentarians meet TB-Free India, Hotel Le Meridian, New Delhi - 8th August 2016
This meeting was jointly organized by IAPPD and the International Union against TB and Lung diseases (CTB - The Union) and Central TB Division MoHFW, Government of India.
The main objective of Engaging Parliamentarians is to sensitize them about the issue of TB in the country and seek their support in raising the profile and generate commitment to address challenges of TB in India.
➤ Project on Engagement of Parliamentarians: Realizing Commitments to Family Planning in India, New Delhi - 28th July, 2016
With the objective to discuss issues related to family planning and maternal health in India, a one-to-one meeting with the Members of Parliament was organized by IAPPD in collaboration with Population Foundation of India in New Delhi. The meeting was attended by 6 Members of Parliament and senior officials from TRIFED IAPPD and PFI.
➤ Exposure Visit for Parliamentarians to Udaipur (Rajasthan) - 14 - 15 July, 2016
To sensitize Members of Parliament on family planning and reproductive health and showcasing innovative model of family planning service delivery benefitting the marginalized populations, an Exposure Visit for seven members of Parliamentarian was organized by IAPPD in collaboration with Population Foundation of India (PFI) and ARTH (Action Research and Training for Health), Udaipur (Rajasthan).
➤ Dinner Meeting: Engagement of Parliamentarians "Realizing Commitments to Family Planning in India" - 12th May, 2016, Shangrila Hotel, New Delhi
A Meeting with Parliamentarians consisting of Shri Anand Bhaskar Rapolu, Shri Laxmi Narain Yadav and Shri Baishnav Parida and 3 Senior Officials from IAPPD and PFI was attended the meeting.
The Meeting was jointly organized in collaboration with IAPPD and PFI. The main agenda for the meeting was to discuss with Members of Parliament on Family Planning and Maternal Health Issues in India.
➤ Parliamentarians' Meet on 'Population, Development, and Reproductive Rights' - 11th May, 2016, at 5.00 PM - Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi
The meeting was jointly organized by Family Planning Association of India (FPAI) and IPPF, South Asia Regional Office. Twelve Members of Parliament from different political parties attended the meeting. Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD also attended the meeting.
The main agenda of the meeting was to discuss on Population Stabilization and Reproductive Rights and Development frame work.
➤ Lunch Meeting with Parliamentarians Towards a TB-Free India - 11th May, 2016, Hotel Clardiges, New Delhi
A Meeting with Members of Parliament consisting of Mrs. Viplove Thakur, Anand Bhaskar Rapolu and 5 Senior Officials of IAPPD and The UNION was attended the meeting.
The Meeting was jointly organized in collaboration of IAPPD and The UNION. The main agenda of the meeting was seeking Parliamentarians support in call to action as champions of TB and signing the Barcelona Declaration of Global TB causes.
➤ Project on Engagement of Parliamentarians "Realizing Commitments to Family Planning in India" - 4th May, 2016, Shangrila Hotel, New Delhi
A meeting for discussing on Family Planning and Maternal Health issues in India was jointly organised by IAPPD and PFI.
A total number of 8 Members consisting of Hon'ble Members of Parliament, Mrs. Viplove Thakur, Dr. Vijaylaxmi Sadho, Shri Jugal Kishore Sharma and the remaining 5 senior officials of IAPPD and PFI attended the meeting.
➤ Visit of Ms. Toshiko ABE, MP/Minister, Japan to IAPPD - 8th April, 2016
Ms. Toshiko ABE elected to House of Representatives (HR) in 2009 and joined Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. She was re-elected in 2012 and 2015 and joined State Minister of Agriculture, Forest and Fisheries from December, 2014 - October 2015.
She along with her Team Members visited Parliament to meet with Prof. P.J. Kurien, Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha, Vice-Chairman, AFPPD, Chairman, IAPPD on 8th April, 2016 in his Chamber, Rajya Sabha. She then visited to IAPPD office to know about the activities being undertaken by IAPPD in the areas of Population and Development activities. Mr. Manmohan Sharma received her and she interacted with the officials of IAPPD. She was impressed about the activities of IAPPD. She thanked for support extended by IAPPD during her stay in Delhi.
➤ International Conference on Male Involvement in Women's Sexual
and Reproductive Health : Evidences, Actions & Possibilities - 28 February - 2 March, 2016 - Mumbai
This Conference was organized under the Patronage of the Ministry of Health Government of India by the National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (ICMR), Mumbai.
The objective of the Conference was to identify research gaps in Male involvement for improving Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health.
Shri Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu, MP, Shri Uttamsingh Pawar, Ex. MP and Shri Manmohan Sharma, Executive Secretary, IAPPD attended.
➤ Visit of Shri Virendra Sharma, MP (UK) to IAPPD -13th February, 2016
To welcome Shri Virendra Sharma a Senior Member of Parliament of United Kingdom (UK), London and a very active member of the European Parliamentary Forum (EPF) a meeting was held with IAPPD Technical Advisory Committee Members and other invitee members in the Committee Room of IAPPD.
The objective of the meeting was to apprise the hon'ble MP, Shri Virendra Sharma about IAPPD activities and exchange the views on Post ICPD/MDGs and now SDGs and also IAPPD and THE UNION working together on eradication of TB from India.
About 16 members which included Ex. Speaker, Delhi Assembly, MLA, Delhi Assembly and 14 other Experts and Civil Society Members attended.
➤ Discussion on Post ICPD/MDGs and Now SDGs - 12th February, 2016 Le-Meridian Hotel, New Delhi
To welcome Shri Virendra Sharma, Senior Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom (UK), London and a very active member of the European Parliamentary Forum, Belgium (EPF), in India. A meeting was jointly organized by IAPPD and Population Foundation of India.
The Meeting was chaired by Smt. Viplove Thakur, MP, Vice Chairperson, IAPPD and attended by 9 Members of Parliament and 8 senior officials of PFI, IAPPD and other Civil Society's organisations.
➤ Visit of European Parliamentarians Study Tour to India
A six Members Parliamentary delegation consisting of Members of Parliament from the countries Germany, Denmark, France, and Italy visited India from 7-13, February, 2016. The Study tour was sponsored by EPF, Belgium and being the hosted in India by Family Planning Association of India (FPA, India) Mumbai, IPPF, South Asian Region, Delhi and IAPPD, Delhi. During this period the delegation members were called on Prof. P.J. Kurien, Hon'ble Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha, Chairman, IAPPD and Vice-Chairman, AFPPD on 9th February, 2016 at 4.00 PM in his Chamber, Rajya Sabha.
The purpose of the study tour was to showcase interim and long-term solutions to improve Reproductive, Maternal, New born, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCA) Health of the most vulnerable population particularly women and girls.
Prof. Kurien briefed the delegation members about the work being done in the field of gender equality, women empowerment, and reduction in MMR/IMR/TFR in India.
The delegation members also provided inputs regarding the work being carried out in their respective countries in this field. The delegates thanked the support extended by Prof. P.J. Kurien, Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha and IAPPD during their visit.
➤ Dinner Meeting of Parliamentarians' : Towards a TB - Free India on 21st December, 2015 at Hotel Le Meridien, New Delhi
Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (IAPPD), The Union and Central TB Division, Ministry of Health & Welfare (MoH&FW), Government of India jointly organized the above meeting. The objective of the meeting was to sensitize the Parliamentarians on the TB situation in Indian and needs urgent action to make the people aware of this, now becoming deadly disease in India.
The meeting was chaired by Prof. P.J. Kurien, Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha, Chairman, IAPPD and attended by fourteen Members of Parliament from different political parties and one Member of Legislative Assembly of Delhi. Besides, about 20 Senior Official of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the Union and the IAPPD also attended the meeting.
The meeting was a successful effort by IAPPD with the collaboration of the UNION.
➤ Context Analysis of the Questions raised by Parliamentarians from the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in different sessions during 2009 - 2015
The main objectives of the study to understand the concern of the members of Parliament about the population and development issues and to identify about population policy programme and their achievements.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Sustainable development Goals are a new, universal set of goals/targets and indicators that UN members States will be expected to use to frame their agendas and political policies over the next 15 years (2030).
If member States agree the draft set of 17 SDGs at UN Submmit in New York in September, 2015, they will become applicable from January 2016.
➤ ARC Capacity Building by using AFP SMART tool
Shri Manmohan Sharma, Dr. Abhay Kumar and Shri U.S. Bhandari attended the Workshop on ARC capacity building by using AFP SMART tool, June 24 & 25 at Viceroy Room, Hotel Eros, Nehru Place, New Delhi organized by Population Foundation of India (FDI).
The main purpose of 2 days workshop way to request all state chapters to compile the following:
- Brief Status of Family Planning Programmes in their respective states.
- Updated data to reflect the family Planning indicators from respective state.
- Challenges around family planning and reproductive health.
- Any data to reflect the expenditure on F.P. and reproductive health in the State and
- Information around Family Planning in the Recent PIPs.
➤ Consultation on Post 2015: Agenda with Parliamentarians and Key Stakeholders(Jointly organized by IAPPD and FPAI - June 9, 2015, New Delhi)
Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (IAPPD) and Family Planning Association of India (FPA India) have organized a one-day Consultative Meeting with Parliamentarians and other Key Stakeholders on Tuesday, June 9, 2015, in New Delhi.
A total number of 30 members consisting of 15 Members of Parliaments from different political parties and the remaining 15 Technical Experts of IAPPD and Senior Officials of FPAI attended meeting.
Two follow-up Consultations were also organized in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, and Chandigarh, Haryana, on June 24, 2015 and June 26, 2015, respectively.
30 participants, consisting of 5 Members of Parliament, 9 Members of Legislative Assembly and 16 members from civil society and senior officials of FPA India and IAPPD attended the Bhubaneswar meeting.
The Chandigarh meeting was attended by 25 participants consisting of 3 MPs, six Members of Legislative Assembly and 16 senior officials of FPA India and Civil Society members.
The objective was to initiate a dialogue with Parliamentarians and other key stakeholders in articulating the Post - 2015 development agenda with special focus on Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), and work with the MPs and Key influencers to establish a mechanism for initiating action on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at country level, ensuring greater ownership and accountability.
➤ Interface Meeting with Parliamentarians on Strengthening MDG - 5 A and 5 B in South Asia - Creating Champions and Garnering support for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (Jointly organized by IAPPD and FPAI - February 26, 2015, New Delhi)
The meeting was Chaired by Mrs. Viplove Thakur, MP and Vice-Chairperson of IAPPD, and attended by around 12 MPs and 9 representatives of IAPPD and FPA India .
The objective of the meeting was to create champions among the elected representatives and garner support for sexual and reproductive health and rights. Parliamentarians from different political parties attended the meeting