Striving for a Better Tomorrow

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The IAPPD is convinced that the population stabilisation programme will not succeed unless it is backed by a popular mass movement in favour of a general acceptance of the small family norm and it needs to be approached within a developmental frame-work that offers a well integrated package of health, education, employment, and social and environmental policies. Introduction of innovative mechanisms for decentralised planning and policy formulation is the need of the hour. For this purpose, it is obviously necessary to promote and also ensure well-informed participation of parliamentarians in local level developmental planning.

Shri Sat Paul Mittal
Late Shri Sat Paul Mittal, MP
Spirit Behind The Mission
About Us

The Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (IAPPD) is a national level Non-Governmental organization established in the year 1978. The organiztion was formed with an Imperative to moderating the pace of population growth for a smoother course of development so as to ensure an overall improvement in the quality of life of the people and maintain a proper balance between population and development.

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News Letter

Title: IAPPD July 2018 - September 2018 (English)
Dated: 15 September,2018
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: IAPPD July 2018 - September 2018 (Hindi)
Dated: 15 September,2018
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: IAPPD April 2018 - June 2018 (English)
Dated: 15 June,2018
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: IAPPD April 2018 - June 2018 (Hindi)
Dated: 15 June,2018
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: IAPPD October 2017 - March 2018 (English)
Dated: 15 March,2018
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: IAPPD October 2017 - March 2018 (Hindi)
Dated: 15 March,2018
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: IAPPD April - September 2017 (English)
Dated: 13-15 September,2017
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: IAPPD April - September 2017 (Hindi)
Dated: 13-15 September,2017
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: IAPPD July - December 2016 (English)
Dated: 15 December,2016
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: IAPPD January- June 2016 (English)
Dated: 01 July,2016
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: Jansandesh January- June 2016 (Hindi)
Dated: 01 July,2016
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: IAPPD July- December 2015 (English)
Dated: 21 December,2015
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: Jansandesh July- December 2015 (Hindi)
Dated: 21 December,2015
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: IAPPD January- June 2015 (English)
Dated: 09 June,2015
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: Jansandesh January- June 2015 (Hindi)
Dated: 09 June,2015
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: IAPPD July- December 2014 (English)
Dated: 23-25 August,2014
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: Jansandesh July- December 2014 (Hindi)
Dated: 23-25 August,2014
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: Jansandesh July- December 2012 (Hindi)
Dated: 2013-05-23
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: IAPPD July- December 2012 (English)
Dated: 2013-05-23
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

Title: IAPPD April - June 2012 (English)
Dated: 2013-01-21
Description: A Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Association of Parliament on Population and Development

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Important Events

7th Sat Paul Mittal Memorial Lecture
“PARENTAL CARE, OBLIGATION, AND RIGHTS OF ELDERLY PARENTS: MORAL AND LEGAL PERSPECTIVES” by Hon’ble Justice Aravind Kumar Supreme Court of India at (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi) on 18th February, 2025
Parliament Annexe, New Delhi

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